Monday, November 24, 2008

Lets Take a Moment ...

It's Monday evening. Craig took the day off. I'm unemployed for one more week. The chimney has just been swept; we're burning our first fire ever in this house. We've got rib-eye on the grill and potatoes and steamed carrots on the stove. So far, nobody has gotten burned.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Have You Heard?

Good news. I just accepted a job as a Business Development Coordinator with AECOM here in Charlotte. I start on December 1.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Here's a Good Read

Although I'm only half-way through The Glass Castle, I suspect that this might be one of the best books I've read this year. Craig's Mom recommended it to me a while back. So, I thought I'd toss it out. Here's the description on the back of the book:

The Glass Castle is a remarkable memoir of resilience and redemption, and a revelatory look into a family at once deeply dysfunctional and uniquely vibrant. When sober, Jeannette's brilliant and charismatic father captured his children's imagination, teaching them physics, geology, and how to embrace life fearlessly. But, when he drank, he was dishonest and destructive. Her mother was a free spirit who abhorred the idea of domesticity and didn't want the responsibility of raising a family.

The Walls children learned to take care of themselves. They fed, clothed, and protected one another, and eventually found their way to New York. Their parents followed them, choosing to be homeless even as their children prospered.

Wonder what I think?

Keep in mind, I'm only half way through, but so far I think that description is a nice way to put it. On the one hand, there is a lot of love in this family and the childhoods of these children are full of adventure, freedom, and creativity. But, the abuse (in all sorts of forms) is basically constant. I'm very interested to see what happens.
In an effort to always provide a little extra, here's an interview with Jeannette Walls on the Diane Rehm show.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Rehabing Ceder's Palace, Part 1

Craig and I have been uber busy on the house. Here are some pictures of this month's progress.

I've bagged many leaves this month but the big dump has not yet occurred. I'm going to be sad when the leaves fall.
This is the biggest project that Craig and I are working on right now. This is a section under the deck where we've sunk a hot tub and built a storage bench. Craig is in the process of hanging drywall and will soon install recessed lighting and in-wall speakers. We should be open for business by winter.
This picture was taken near the storage bench out into the backyard.

Our inside project is the living room. We've replaced the baseboards, hung crown molding, bought a new couch, and painted the lower portions of the room. Next step is to borrow a 25 ft. ladder from our neighbor and attack the upper sections.
We also had the fireplace cleaned.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama's Our Man

I have been looking forward to today for 4 years. I am so excited. I hope you all go vote today, if you've not already done so. But, I'm begging, please do not vote for McCain. It's not really McCain that bothers me, it's Sarah Palin. I cannot believe that people actually think she is qualified to be President. The thought honestly floors me.

Speaking of Palin, have you heard the prank call that she got from a radio station in Canada?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Day Trippers

Craig and I met some old friends at the zoo in Ashboro, NC this weekend. From left to right, they are Hudson, Jeff, Maddie, and Nicki.