Thursday, February 26, 2009

In Other News

 I saw a mosquito today.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What It's Like Outside

As most of you know, we're into gardening. At the beginning of fall I found myself with some time on my hands and decided to experiment with bulds. I ended up planting about 300 of them.
Here are the tulips. They are coming up in 3 spots.

These daffodils were here when we bought the house. They're beginning to bloom now. I planted some paper white bulbs, which are very similar. They bloomed over Christmas.

Here's a patch of hyacinth. This is coming up in 2 spots.

Our neighbor planted these lenten roses a few years ago, along with some ferns.

The trees are starting to bud.

This year the plan is to experiment with moss. It's all over our property, but we want to add some types with interesting textures.